Marshall McLuhan + Vilem Flusser’s Communication + Aesthetic Theories Revisited

Book Launch - November 15, 2015 6pm-8pm

Marshall McLuhan + Vilem Flusser’s Communication + Aesthetic Theories Revisited

November 15, 2015, 6pm-8pm
Video Pool Media Arts Centre Production Studios
300-100 Arthur Street, Winnipeg, MB

Video Pool Media Arts Centre is proud to present the launch of the book MARSHALL MCLUHAN AND VILEM FLUSSER’S COMMUNICATION AND AESTHETIC THEORIES REVISITED. This scholarly book of academic analyses and artists’ position papers represents the proceedings of the international conference of the same name convened by Dr. Melentie Pandilovski in 2012. This book includes discussions McLuhan and Flusser’s influence on media and communication theory as it applies to contemporary and new media art, film, philosophy and politics, and this book would be of immediate interest to readers and researchers interestested in: distributed consciousness and telematics; cinema and causality; collective evolution; media and theology; digital culture; Occupy Wall Street and other political movements; cybernetics; contemporary technological art; the ideologies of clinical practice; asemic writing; institutional critique and many other topics.

BARBARA RAUCH: Antenna Methods

CLINT ENNS: Charting the Montage: The Roots of Algorithmic Cinema

DAN MELLAMPHY: Between Beckett and Bec: The Mètic Hexis and Flusserian Flux of Vampyroteuthis Abductionis

DAVID E. CARRILLO FUCHS and MARCO ANTONIO CALDERÓN ZACAULA: A Flusserian Approach to the Compound Visual Interface: the Limits of the Technical Image

Dr. MELENTIE PANDILOVSKI: The Shifting Platform of Media

MONIKA VREČAR: Art in the New Media Environment: Change versus Novelty

PAUL LEVINSON: Occupy Wall Street in the Global Village

PETER SCHWENGER: Asemic Writing: Backwards Into the Future

PROF. PHILLIP POCOCK: Vilém Flusser and Marshall McLuhan – Matrix and Wave: Toward a Quantum Theory of Media

POLONA TRATNIK: Observing – Knowing – Mediating: The Body as World to Explore

RICHARD CAVELL, Mechanical Brides and Vampire Squids

ROY ASCOTT: Flusser’s Dread and McLuhan’s Dream

SCOTT BILLINGS: Giacometti’s Foot: Automobility and Cinematic Causality

SIMONE MAHRENHOLZ “We Do Not Make Gestures, We are Gesticulations of the Environment” – Flusser’s Aesthetico-Logical Critique of Contemporary Epistemology

STEPHEN CROCKER: Sense and Common Sense in McLuhan

TOM KOHUT: Electronic.Technical.Digital: The Ontology of the Digital Image

Artists presented in the anthology: Richard Altman, Manuel Chantre, Lei Cox, Andrew Milne, Doug Smith.

Please join us for this celebration of the results of long effort, and have a toast to Video Pool’s first book-length publication!

For more information about purchasing a paper or electronic version of this book, please contact